News & Events

Waikato branch - Lunch and tour of Classic Car Museum 19 June 2021

Waikato branch - Lunch and tour of Classic Car Museum

On 17 June 2021 the Waikato branch met for lunch and a tour of the Classic Car Museum.
Waikato Branch April meeting 20 May 2021

Waikato Branch April meeting

The April meeting of the Waikato Branch saw an "Antiques Roadshow" style of presentation from Roger McGirr, Antiques dealer and Waikato branch member.

Waikato Founders ANZAC Day 20 May 2021

Waikato Founders ANZAC Day

Every year the Waikato Branch of NZ Founders lays a wreath at the ANZAC memorial.


Waikato Branch trip 23 March 2021

Waikato Branch trip

Waikato Branch enjoyed a Tour of Woodlands Homestead followed by Devonshire tea at Prof’s Cafe.
Waikato Branch Christmas function 27 November 2020

Waikato Branch Christmas function

Some photos from the 2020 Christmas function of the Waikato Branch.
