News & Events

19 May 2019

Hawkes Bay Mystery Bus Tour May 2019

Hawkes Bay Mystery Bus Tour May 2019

Take a large, modern coach swinging through the late autumn colours of the Hawke's Bay countryside bound on a 'mystery tour,' and you have the makings of a most enjoyable day's activities for more than 50 members of the Hawke's Bay branch of Founders.

Organised by national Founders president, Paddy Bayley and her husband Richard, Hawke's Bay branch secretary, the day's outing provided reminders of the enormous efforts expended by our settler forbears in transforming vast tracts of native bush into rolling landscapes of prosperous farms.

A brief visit to Kairakau beach, east of Waipawa, with its rolling surf, rugged bluffs and steep hills, illustrated the massive tasks undertaken by the settlers as they developed sheep and beef runs on this coast. In those early days the annual wool clip was transported by lighter out to a waiting coastal ship, which then took it on to Napier port.

A magnificent luncheon was provided by the welcoming proprietors of the River Park Event Centre, John and Carole Masters. This venue has a most picturesque setting, on the eastern bank of the TukiTuki River, 10 km from Waipawa.

Then it was on into Waipawa township and a visit to the Central Hawke's Bay Settlers' Museum, where voluntary curators, Ken Hamlin and Clive Pearson, explained the fine old former BNZ bank building was purchased in 1986 by the local council.  It then became the main building for housing the museum's artefacts.

They also proudly proclaimed Waipawa as the oldest inland town in New Zealand.

Hawke's Bay Founders members greatly enjoyed seeing the large range of items displayed that depicted so many aspects of early settler life, including work, leisure, fashion and war, with these themes followed through to the relatively modern age.


Hawke's Bay Founders enjoy a splendid luncheon at the River Park Event Centre, Pourerere Road, Waipawa.

Steep bluffs form a striking backdrop to Kairakau Beach.

Hawke's Bay Founders enjoying the views at Kairakau Beach.

Founders members, Beverley Dunlop, left, Nanette Roberts  and Sonia MacKenzie at Kairakau Beach.

New Founders member, Margaret de la Haye left, receives her membership certificate from Founders national president, Paddy Bayley.

Hawke's Bay Founders enter the Central Hawke's Bay Settlers' Museum, Waipawa.

Nineteenth century settler artefacts outside entice visitors to explore the Waipawa Museum.

Our 'boomer' generation and earlier, can remember these old telephones being used up to the late 1940s and early 1950s.

Cream separator
